
About me

My name is Ye Qian. I am an Arts student. I am come from Zhejiang China, my hometown in eastern of China near Shanghai. Our hometown have same weather with Manchester, but warm than Manchester. But in the winter, snow is very rare phenomenon. In Manchester have lot of forests and mountains. Our hometown have lot of rivers and lacks, rivers though the city anywhere. I have a traditional Chinese family, my Mom, my Dad and me. I am 24 years old. I study in Chinese high school. In China high school the education very difficult. I choses Southern New Hampshire university because my friend told me this college weather same like our city in China. The weather will give me a good life. My nose have little sickness, when I came here the weather help me a lot. I have a long term goal which is travel to any beautiful place to draw many beautiful picture when I earn enough money. I will become an artist to travel around the world. Use my eyes too look this word. I think if people live in the word the best 10 things should to do, the travel another countries and look different culture will in the top. After that, if I have enough money I will build a small museum to save my painting. Just write my history in the painting. Those painting maybe not become famous in the world, but those must will very experience for me, this is my life, this is my step in the word.

My hometown

My hometown is Shao Xing, shouth of China. It famous with rice wine

My hometwon video